Monday, August 25, 2008

Increase Your Odds of Landing an Interview

Want to increase your chances of obtaining an interview? Hand deliver your resume.
  • Items that arrive via delivery, rather than mail, are usually opened first. They're seen by the recipient as more important.
  • You can do a little reconnaissance. You'll get a sense of their environment while sneaking a peak at their dress code so you know what to wear if you're called for an interview (just don't judge them by what they wear on Fridays).
  • Also, it's a chance to make a good first impression on someone very important – the receptionist. He or she can make it easier to get through to people; or more difficult. Always, always, always treat the receptionist with respect.
  • Who knows? You may even bump into the person doing the hiring. If so, just say a quick hello, tell them the information is inside the envelope and let them know you'll follow up when it's more convenient for them. Respect their time and they'll respect you.
A little extra effort can make all the difference in landing that all-important interview.

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