Sunday, February 1, 2009

Follow Your Connections to the End

Last year at the ADDY Awards, an art director named Matt introduced himself to me.

He then thanked me for helping him land his current job – three years ago.

It may seem odd that he received help from someone he had never met, but it's not unusual. Smart networking and consistent follow through include contacting many people you've never met. And you have to be persistent to continue the chain of connections until you reach your goal.

Matt was ready for a job change and our mutual friend Greg told him to contact me. I trust Greg's judgement so I talked to Matt on the phone and told him to send me his portfolio.

His work was outstanding and very specialized. I happened to know the perfect place for him. I sent him to a guy I didn't know at the time (but do now). Matt followed up with with that connection and got the job.

In the end, Matt landed his job by connecting with Greg, who connected him to me, who connected him to his current boss.

The sad thing is most people never follow through and make that second or third connection.

More often than not, someone will tell me they advised a friend to contact me and I'll never hear from that person. In fact, I'm usually surprised when I do.

Be smart. Follow each connection until the end. 

You never know which connection is going to lead you to that elusive job. Just ask Matt.

1 comment:

Rural Grit Records & Productions said...

No matter the career or situation this is sound advice Mr. Fullerton!